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Online Pharmacy
For your convenience, we offer both an in-house pharmacy line and an online service (SEE BUTTON AT BOTTOM AND TOP OF PAGE) to meet all your needs at competitive prices. We also pass along any discounts or rebates (more bang for your buck!)
Please allow our staff 24 hours to receive and fill your medications.

** Some prescriptions require an examination of your pet prior to re-filling. **

This ensures that your pet is healthy enough to handle the potential side effects of some prescriptions and provides further confirmation that the medication is appropriate for your pet’s current condition.

**NOTE** Due to new FDA regulations and ordering procedures PLEASE call at least 1-2 weeks PRIOR to needing a refill to allow us to get the medications supplied. **NOTE**

**IMPORTANT** Prescription Refills and Food Orders are not confirmed until you have received notification. A staff member will contact you by phone or email.

If you would like the option to order your prescriptions and preventatives online and have them shipped directly to you please use the button below to be directed to our online pharmacy.